Friday, 19 September 2014

Extinct Animal Poetry

In year 4 we have been writing poetry about Extinct Animals.  See if you can pick out the figurative language we have been learning about.

Dreadful Dinosaur

His mammoth, massive, mouth meticulously opens to eat his prey.
His skin is scaly and rough; bumpy like a road.
The dreadful dinosaur's eyes shoot out while he catches his prey.
He has a gigantic body; great enough to make coats from 12 men and 5 ladies.
Slowly, he plods to drink from the vast lake.
Razor sharp, dagger slim teeth stand up like soldiers.

By Yashashvi 4E

1 comment:

  1. You used fantastic adjectives. (Ryan and Aiden 3B)
    You have awesome alliteration! (Ashton 3B)
    I like the personification (Keira 3B)
    Fantastic Simile. (Katelyn 3B)
    You have brilliant WOW words! (James 3B)
