Thursday, 5 March 2015

Sinking Kennings

Last week in literacy 3C we're looking at different types of Poems linked to our theme Titanic. On Friday we went outside and looked at how ice moved on the playground. We collected language whilst looking at the ice and then wrote kennings about icebergs.

The ice
A life taker,
A penguin hider,
A ship sinker,
A fridge freezer,
A quick slider.
Aaron 3C

The iceberg
A sly ship murderer,
A huge penguin saver,
An ignorant people killer,
A sneaky cunning hider,
An evil life ruiner.
Shannon 3C

An iceberg
A ship sinker,
A slippery saver,
An underwater killer,
A gigantic floater,
A big slider.

Michael R 3C

1 comment:

  1. Wow 3C, what brilliant use of alliteration to add effect in your poems!
    Mrs Ferullo
