This week year 3 have been writing narratives inspired by the story 'The Vikings are Coming!". We hope that you enjoy reading them, and they aren't too scary!
One sweltering, stormy day Diamaid, Tom and Ben were playing happily in the castle garden. They were having a bunch of fun when suddenly they saw a fierce dragons head and a longboat. He knew it was the Vikings, and they were terrifying! (Diya)
Suddenly Diamaid bolted into the small, dinky, poky village. Diamaid yelled at the top of his voice "The Vikings are coming!" Next they scurried to the round, curved tower scared to death. They were all scared because the Vikings were deadly, scary, vicious people. The villagers were shocked and scared deep down in their heart. Holly (3B)
Great use of 'Suddenly' as an opener. -Yashashvi (4E)