Friday, 14 November 2014

Vicious Vikings

This week we have been writing about Vikings! The children had a lesson in which they got to choose any text type to write about Vikings! They even had to generate their own learning intention and success criteria!

LI: To write a non-chronological report

The Vikings are fierce. They have armour and also boats.

The Gods are called Thor, Freya, Loki and Odin. These Gods lead the Vikings in how to live.

The Vikings stomp into war carrying their armour. They fight as well as they can and they always come back cheering because they always win.

The long-boat has shields at the sides and it has a big flag. It has oars so that the Vikings can steer the long-boat. The long-boat is how they sail across the Severn Seas.

By Holly

LI: To write instructions

How to be a Viking
If you are a Viking you must battle with swords and shield and have a helmet to keep your head safe.  Have you ever wanted to be a strong Viking? There are five main Gods who are called Loki, Frey. Freya, Thor and Odin. Sometimes you will need to defend yourself with a strong shield.

By Ibrahim


  1. We were very interested by your non-chronological reports. We liked learning about the long boat, your writing was very informative. Well done! 1A

  2. 2s and Miss shaha26 November 2014 at 03:23

    We enjoyed reading Holly's well - organised report on Vikings.
    We thought you used interesting technical vocabulary and marvellous adjectives
    Well done Holly
