Thursday 27 November 2014

From War With Love

Year 4 have been imagining we were part of the fighting in World War 1. What would we write to a loved one back in England?
Here's an example of what we came up with.

Dear Lighthouse Keeper,

I am so sorry that I did not get to send you a letter a while ago but they did not tolerate us to send letters then. I do hope you can come and visit me or even the opposite. I just can't wait to see the lighthouse again afterwards but it might be quite hard. I can never say goodbye to my mates.

Yours sincerely,
Soldier Bob

The Vikings are Coming!

This week year 3 have been writing narratives inspired by the story 'The Vikings are Coming!". We hope that you enjoy reading them, and they aren't too scary!

One sweltering, stormy day Diamaid, Tom and Ben were playing happily in the castle garden. They were having a bunch of fun when suddenly they saw a fierce dragons head and a longboat. He knew it was the Vikings, and they were terrifying! (Diya)

Suddenly Diamaid bolted into the small, dinky, poky village. Diamaid yelled at the top of his voice "The Vikings are coming!" Next they scurried to the round, curved tower scared to death. They were all scared because the Vikings were deadly, scary, vicious people. The villagers were shocked and scared deep down in their heart. Holly (3B)

Thursday 20 November 2014

​This week the children have been writing Viking narratives. They imagined and described their own terrifying Viking character. We hope that you enjoy reading them!

Banging into battle his rough skim rattled like a toy. Swish! Splosh! The Viking battled among the mud. Whilst he walks among the long road it smells like rotten fish. His boat smells like the sweat of a hard working man. If you go near him it will make you feel sick.

Charging into battle, this disgusting Viking is carrying an axe which is shiny. Because he has been to war he knew how to fight. Have you ever seen a red river of blood? Slowly, his tatty clothes fall down in the wind.

Squelch! Whilst he walks he is concocting a plan. His brown leather shoes sink into the stony mud. I can hear his voice roaring across the deserted village because he killed all the people.

Whilst he plods the smell of stale sweat and the blood of the people he has killed invades my nose.

Friday 14 November 2014

Vicious Vikings

This week we have been writing about Vikings! The children had a lesson in which they got to choose any text type to write about Vikings! They even had to generate their own learning intention and success criteria!

LI: To write a non-chronological report

The Vikings are fierce. They have armour and also boats.

The Gods are called Thor, Freya, Loki and Odin. These Gods lead the Vikings in how to live.

The Vikings stomp into war carrying their armour. They fight as well as they can and they always come back cheering because they always win.

The long-boat has shields at the sides and it has a big flag. It has oars so that the Vikings can steer the long-boat. The long-boat is how they sail across the Severn Seas.

By Holly

LI: To write instructions

How to be a Viking
If you are a Viking you must battle with swords and shield and have a helmet to keep your head safe.  Have you ever wanted to be a strong Viking? There are five main Gods who are called Loki, Frey. Freya, Thor and Odin. Sometimes you will need to defend yourself with a strong shield.

By Ibrahim

Friday 7 November 2014

WW1 Poetry

In 4E we have been looking at different WW1 poems this week including some from Year 6.  After exploring and editing other people's poems, today, we wrote our own. Here are some we'd like to share.

In the vast trenches soldiers defend themselves 
while they fight their enemies.
Quickly, the bullets all fire at the same time.
It smells like gas, rotten fish, coffee and smoke.

Lonely trenches are dilapidated 
because the enemies are taking over.
Heartbreakingly, good people are afraid.
They never give up.

Rudely and roughly, you could see
the flesh rots 
off those who didn't make it.

-Temitola (4E)

In the terrifying, horrifying trenches I can smell...
Super smoke rising from the mystic sky
It rises as high as sky scrapers.
Much higher than you or me.

In the terrifying trenches I can hear...
People screaming for help.
The enemy charging like a furious bull; 
like an angry rhinoceros.

In the horrifying trenches I can see...
Smoke rising from the bombs
Bombs exploding like bursting balloons.

-Felix (4E)

In the terrifying trenches...
I can smell... 
Disgusting mud sliver up my ankles.
The ghastly gases coming to take our lives.

I can hear... 
People screaming like animals.
Bombs crashing wildly.

-Emre (4E)

Lovely Limericks

In year three we have been learning to write limericks! Today we got to perform our favourite limerick to the class. Some of us used drums, some of us used pictures and some of us used our expression and bodies. We hope you enjoy watching them as much as we enjoyed writing them!