Friday 29 November 2013

In Year 3 we have been learning about Egypt. Below are some descriptions we have written about the River Nile. We have been working on using ambitious vocabulary and a question to entice our readers in!

Have you ever seen the deep, blue River Nile? All of a sudden I notice that the River Nile sways across the scorching desert. Suddenly, I smell the salty sea invading my nose. The River Nile is  meandering through the burning desert. Luckily the River Nile is as fearsome as a lion! Swosh! The River Nile runs through Egypt to the rushing sea. The River Nile is being drowned by the crunchy, golden sand. I can taste the salty sea air flying all around me.
Tyler (3B)

Have you ever seen the longest, largest desert? Splash! Kindly, the golden sun shines over the meandering River Nile. The fearsome waves crash against the rocks. Quietly, the silky, golden, smooth desert is as smooth as melted chocolate. The bumpy River Nile smells like the salty sea. All of a sudden the stinky, ancient mummies stand silently in the temple. Usually, the dusty, ancient sphinx stands anxiously in front of the pyramids. The river is a deep, dark swimming pool.

Rosie (3B)

Have you ever seen the deep River Nile? Splash! The River Nile is as deep as quick sand. The River Nile shattered the sea. I heard the salty River Nile growling slowly. The River Nile splashes as I taste it whilst it rushes on the prickly sand.

Aodhfin (3B)

Have you ever seen a huge, massive enormous and large river in ancient Egypt? The river sways side to side across the golden, yellow and salty sand. Kindly, the golden sun shines over the meandering River Nile. I can smell the salty, slippery golden yellow sand and a deep, dark, gloomy pool. The River Nile is a long, wavy meandering pool and sea. All of a sudden it goes through my hands. I hear the waves coming through me. Ker plunk! It sways through my hands. Splash! I sway over the deep, dark, gloomy, shiny River Nile. 
Jewel (3B)

1 comment:

  1. Shauna- Good use of WOW words.
    Cameron-Good connectives.
    Lily- Fantastic adjectives.
    Alfie- Good use of punctuation.
    Kyle- Brilliant use of onomatopoeia
    Liam- Good vocabulary Aodhfin.
